Ting Ting's Tag

| 01 November 2009 | |
I'm 41% obsessed with my looks!
Hey people! 80% of the marked parts are what I did when I was below 12 and not older ok? x]

HAIR...you have/use
[ ] straightener
[ ] curling iron
[ ] mousse
[ ] hairspray
[x] gel
[ ] other sprays
[ ] bobbypins
[x] hair clips
[x] round barrel brush
[x] blow dryer
[x] mirror
[ ] you have or had dyed your hair
[ ] you have or had highlights
[x] you need to check your hair at least once every hour
[ ] you hate it when people touch your hair
Total: 6

EYES...you have/use/do
[x] black eyeliner
[ ] other color eyeliner
[x] eye shadow
[ ] mascara
[ ] fake eyelashes
[ ] eyelash curler
[x] eye shimmer
[ ] colored contacts
[ ] stunner shades
[ ] eye makeup remover
[ ] you refrain from touching your eyes because of your make up
[ ] you try to avoid from getting your makeup smudged
Total so far: 9

LIPS/TEETH...you have/use/do
[ ] clear lip gloss
[x] red or pink lip gloss
[x] lip stick
[ ] chapstick/lip balm
[ ] lip plumper
[ ] electric toothbrush
[ ] teeth whitener
[ ] lip liner
[ ] more than 15 lipglosses
[x] toothpaste
[ ] mouthwash
[ ] you reapply your lipgloss/lipstick frequently
[ ] it takes you at least 5-10 mins to get your lip gloss perfect
Total so far: 12

[x] blush
[ ] moisturizer
[x] face wash
[ ] bronzer
[ ] makeup remover
[ ] face wipe
[ ] powder
[ ] concealer
[ ] tweezers
Total so far: 14

NAILS...you have/use/do
[x] nail polish
[ ] nail polish remover
[x] nail file
[x] nail clipper
[ ] nail buffer
[ ] cuticle remover
[ ] nail hardener
[ ] nail brush
[ ] have/had Fake nails
[ ] nail scissors
[ ] you hate it when your nail polish chips
Total so far : 17

Clothes...you have/use/do
[x] takes you 30 minutes or more to pick out an outfit
[x] almost never like your outfit
[x] hate it when you spill something on your shirt
[ ] obsessed with what people think
[x] you hate it when you can't find shoes to match
Overall Total: 21

Now, take your score and multiply it by 2.Then, repost as 'I am % obsessed with my looks' and then tag 10 friends to do the same


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