Oh my..

| 24 October 2009 | |
My my my my my... Love is annoying isn't it? Who agrees with me?

*raises own hand up*
Maddie - Yes Maddie, why do you think its annoying?
Maddie - 'Cause you get disappointed, loved, hurt frequently.
Maddie - Isn't love supposed to be a wonderful thing?
Maddie - It is, its just you not being able to cherish and find the right person yet. Serves you right!
Maddie - What the...? Why am you/i cursing myself/yourself?!? Why so cruel?
Maddie - Erm... Its the truth and cause I'm bored?

Anyway, I did this post because I see a few facing relationship problems, where they end up getting disappointed/hurt. I'm one of them but since I'm used to getting hurt, the feeling wears off faster for me ( isn't the ability to move on fascinating? ).

I've this friend who smsed me about his crush, where he went to a gathering filled with the 'upper class society' ( so he calls them ) just to see his crush and she didn't attend it... Sad huh? The story gets more complicated but I'm not gonna elaborate any further.. Poor dude, he was feeling devastated.

Good news is, he's going to stay optimistic and try, try again. Lol. Good for him then x] Isn't that a good lesson for all? I suppose so.

Why the heck, Maddie, did you even blog for? Go study!!

Currently listening to September 12 by Rain... Its somewhat an emo song but I'm attracted to it, dunno why. Maybe cause its related to September ( my favourite month ) and... I dunno. The lyrics kinda suits me in a way =S


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