
| 29 October 2009 | |
You know that I know that we know that blogs usually states the date of a blog post but I'm pretty sure that you're quite sure that I am clueless on a title so then we know that you know that I know that readers know that I posted the date because I'm having title's block...

Wth Maddie, such a long sentence for an intro? Tsk tsk.

Well anyway, exams are tomorrow ( boo sama dia! ) and we have add maths, civic and P.E. papers tomorrow ( double boo ). Everyone's been studying their ass off on add maths and I'm the sesat one studying Sejarah today.. And erm, here I am blogging/speeddating/msning/facebooking/goyang kaki-ing like I've all the time in the world. Way to go Madd!

Kinda moody today even in school. Maybe cuz my friends aren't around and everyone's having pre-exam anxiety. Ah... Love is definitely annoying the heck out of me but I'm just trying to get through it ( with music this time! ) and focus on studies instead. Scouts stuff is also worrying me... Hmmm... Oh ya, working too worries me!

Yeap yeap, I'm planning to work this holiday.. I thought of working in my uncle's place but I keep forgetting to ask him and what's worst, I remembered today but he went off earlier than expected... ( tambah to my already no mood, mood ) Damn! Oh well, just need to wait for next Thursday or call him... Working's gonna be a problem tho, as I've scouts stuff during the hols.. Yikes! =X

2 weeks of exam I can handle, but 2 weeks of studying subjects I'm not interested in is ( censored! ). Aaaahahahahaha. Geram betul with Yuet May. Happily away in China and her sister doesn't allow her to buy souvenirs for us.. Kedekut betul =.=

Koe Wo Kikasete or in English; Let Me Hear Your Voice is Big Bang's latest video release! Go check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHuOMbfrl0w
Rain's song 사랑이라는 건 aka This Is Love is also nice... Too bad no video for it.

Maddie, go study~ I give you a sweet if you do ^^
* self bribery *


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