Sizzling Hot!

| 08 April 2010 | |
What do you get when you piece together…?

The answer is :


Lame right? I know.

But hey, its true! Plus I actually saw a mosquito getting fried in the pan le.

I was heating up the oil, about to fry onions and such. The pan got too hot so I turned it off. Suddenly, a mosquito appeared out of nowhere and splash, masuk into the oil.


Oh my… Is that a frigging mosquito??? O.O


Mosquito writhes for ½ second before going still. It was still being fried after dead.

Stared for 3 seconds, dunno whether to burst out laughing or pity the poor fella.

Then I scooped it out, threw it away. The body was solid hard, result from over frying.

Ok la, I’ve got a few conclusions why it landed it such an unfortunate place.

1) Bad case of kaki darah. Drank too much, 100% drunk, didn’t see where it was flying and…..plop.

2) Looking for a better heat source, and since the pan is hotter than my body’s temperature, it went there ( bad case of stupidity ).

3) Sense of direction teruk giler, so instead of flying to a human, it went to the pan ( suspected a male cause, males don’t ask for directions when they’re lost : bad case of male ego ).

4) Oil addict???


5) It got sucked in by the exhaust fan and, feeling dazed, it inconveniently flew/dropped into the pan.

No 5 more logical la, but who knows… Heee =D

Is it normal for mosquitoes to fly into your heated frying pan? Really?

First time I’ve experienced this, and feeling kinda thrilled over it.

Very funny wad. But sad also cuz nothing deserves to die in such a way, especially a mosquito.

Mosquitos instead should be swatted to death. Right?


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