
| 28 April 2010 | |
Just got back from school and feeling tired and hot from being under the sun. Lucky today I’ve no sunburn =D

Speaking of hot…

Immi Ran, Mada and I were talking about something really HOT today.

Its not HOT to them, but its HOT to me.

Maybe cause I like HOTness.

Confused? Only they understand what I mean.

And its something to do with this x]

Dunno why I’m so hyped about it, maybe cause I was shocked by the HOTness today? Shocked but also syok… Hahahahaha!

Actually I wanted to blog about other stuff too, but this one seems better. Why? Cause I just simply love their reaction when I told them about the hotness. Hehehehehe! xD

Apek so what? I like it ma. LOL.

I’ve gone mad O.O


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