Oh, happy day!

| 29 October 2010 | |
What if…

You cut yourself accidentally.

You missed your favourite episode of Desperate Housewives.

You found out you have cancer.

You had to give up your entire life support to live a memorable moment?

Cliché much? I know :D

Remember that scene in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, where he remarked about the ‘Ifs’? The ‘what if :the taxi driver had not stopped for coffee/the girl had not broken up with her bf/the lady had gotten into the taxi earlier’ scene? How if any one of it had turned otherwise, the girl would’ve not been hit by the taxi? *I know,tragic eh? Goes to show taxi drivers are scary!*

Thinking about life, I have always wondered how things would’ve turned out if the decisions I made were completely different.

One of it was; what if I hadn’t moved to Samad? What if I had remained in Taman SEA?

I would have met different friends, gained different knowledge, joined different clubs, and most of all, grew differently from what I am now. Would I have achieved great things there? Would I have met better people there? Would I still pursue my current dreams, if I remained there?

Would I be a better person?

Honestly, I don’t really care. I’m grateful for being in Samad. Full stop.

After all, when life gives lemon, make lemonade right?

My point is,

If I had not not noticed my grandpa earlier in school.

If the annoying office people hadn’t crowd in front of the fruit stall.

If any one of my food orders were late.

If the traffic lights had been a few seconds late.

If any one of these had not or had been late/earlier to happen.


I wouldn’t have had a glimpse of him.



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